Taking out the Earphones

So I’ve talked before about little changes that helped improve my quality of life. Like no longer wearing a watch and not depending on an alarm clock to wake up (though university time demands no longer make that latter one possible.)

There’s another ‘lifehack’ I’d like to add to the mix: unplugging. When I’m spending all that time transiting each day, I make a conscious effort to avoid engaging in distractions. Whether that’s reading, listening to podcasts, watching videos on my phone, etc.

I’ll just turn it all off. Instead, I’ll look out the window. And I’ll think. Or I won’t. That’s good too. But I find some time to just let my mind breathe.

My days are already otherwise consumed between shifting between different states of distraction. It’s good, I find, just to be free of that – if only for a bus ride.