“Queer Spaces”

I’m a little weary of queer spaces.

I include Tumblr in that, I include Facebook groups in that, and I include real-world facilities and events. My own potlucks too.

To me, queer is not just a synonym for gay or trans. It’s a stance on bodily autonomy. It is a perpetual other-ness, existing in the space where that autonomy is infringed.

But queer spaces, and queerdom, are not the same. The queer spaces I’ve come to see are homogeneous. Overwhelmingly young. Androgynous. Vegan. Anti-oppression. Anarchist. Well educated, irrespective of formal education. Born in the same country. Fluent in English.

These like any are of course entirely legitimate forms of being. But step back, and when you see that this narrow expression consumes nearly the entirety of so-called queer spaces, then there is ample reason for concern.

It goes on, unquestioned. We parrot stories on ableism but I see now that it’s only to grant us the illusion of enlightenment, when in fact our own exclusion speaks for itself.

There are spaces for queers that are inclusive. They are harder to navigate, but that’s what it is to be among the diverse. Let’s stop fooling ourselves and calling things a queer space when they are anything but.


One response to ““Queer Spaces””

  1. Psychic Avatar

    Since you have an idea of what a better ‘Queer Space’ might look like, how would you define it?