Conceal: Cryptography For Everyone

I’ve put together an application to make encryption accessible to non-technical folk. To use it, you open up the program, drag in the files you want to encrypt and answer a few questions. To decrypt, just drag those encrypted files back in. Simple.

The program uses the 128-bit Rijndael cipher, with the key being a MD5 hash of a user-specified password. The initialization vector is pseudo-randomized and not stored. I suppose people could just encrypt a zip file almost as easily, but this was something I had wanted to do.

You can download the source code here:
Note: you’ll need libmcrypt-dev and qt4.


2 responses to “Conceal: Cryptography For Everyone”

  1. Ovaltine Avatar

    Between baking and setting up this application, you truly cruise the Nile in all it’s length! This is an impressive program.

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