New Addiction!

This is indeed another [deadly boring] update on my life. So I recommend, for your sake, that you don’t read. You have been warned. Any ensuing brain hemorrages are not my responsibility.

Ahhh books. High School, which I was in but 2 years ago, taught me to hate them. Oh did it ever. Nothing can suck out your will to read than non-stop reading of the anals of the English language. From Pride & Prejudice to Wuthering Heights, from Anna Karenina to [insert absolutely dull title here written by an author in a land with a cyrillic alphabet and apparently no sense of joy].

When I left High School, I essentially lost any will to read books ever again. That said, I did buy a few titles… Practical C Programming; Linux Pocket Guide… a Japanese-English dictionary. Nothing that ressembled what I had touched previously.

Then, this past birthday, I got a Chapters [bookstore] gift card. I went in, and bought a book called “*Spam _Kings”, published by O’Reilly. Its a nonfiction account of a few spammers and anti-spammers accross the span of 5 years.

I got bitten by the book-reading bug. I, who also detested history, went in and bought a book on Japanese history. I noticed that they also started selling [good] manga, so I also bought Love Hina (vol. 2) and Great Teacher Onizuka (vol. 1) for good measure. I haven’t read any mangas (or anything else with pictures) in at least 10 years. The joy!

*Hugs Books*


One response to “New Addiction!”

  1. Ah… books… I’m glad you’ve finally seen the truth 🙂

    — Mr. DOS