Solaire Progressing Well

Development for Solaire is progressing well. I’m on track to have it finished by the end of the month. Since the last update, I finished the editor and started work on the game’s main “exploration” mode.

I need to pay more attention to what kind of gameplay I want. Initially, I wanted a single-player story arc whereby your hand-drawn ship made it from a forgotten notebook at school to the owner’s home, fighting other doodles along the way. As you went along, you collected ink with which you could draw improvements on your ship, which would help you in the big boss battles.

However, right now I’m aiming for something simpler. I’m going the “tower defence” formula: travel around a randomly generated universe, with your ship fighting off waves of enemies. Blowing up baddies gets you ink, which you use to improve your ship, which in turn prepares you for a more powerful wave of baddies. A scoring system serves as motivation to play more.

Once I get that done, then I’ll think about creating a story mode. As usual, the source code for the project is available: you can download it here.


2 responses to “Solaire Progressing Well”

  1. Julien, you are seriously one of the most amazing people I know. Only you would think to make a video game and ACTUALLY DO IT.

    Super cool.

  2. I love the illustrations. That’s probably my favourite part!