Hit Weight Loss Goal

After many months of work, I’ve finally reached my revised weight loss goal of 155 pounds. That’s a reduction of about fifty-five pounds from my peak, and twenty pounds since last writing about this in July. I’ve achieved this through tweaking my diet.

No big changes. I tracked my daily intake and took away lessons whenever I greatly exceeded the amount of calories an adult of my size should have ingested in a day.

One tactic I took was to combine foods. Instead of eating lots of pizza (bad), I’d have pizza with a side of something. Basically, I’d still get to eat what I like, but the side helped to moderate the calorie count without making me feel like I was missing out. Plus it added more diversity to my plate. I applied the same tactic to other foods like pasta and rice.

My vegetable and to a lesser extent fruit consumption exploded as snack material. That of cheese and bread likewise went down. I started to eat breakfasts, which actually cut down my appetite for big lunches. So eating an extra meal meant I ate less.

I took to drinking tea and coffee at work, which displaced my reliance on soda. Juice and the consumption of alcohol greatly decreased at home. I still drink it all, it’s just I’m more selective as to when.

I never starved myself, or denied myself the foods I enjoyed. That would have ensured failure.

I’m pretty happy with the results.



3 responses to “Hit Weight Loss Goal”

  1. Jeremy (Student, Public Servant, Human) Avatar
    Jeremy (Student, Public Servant, Human)

    I am so, so happy for you! Congrats x infinity! Way to go!