I’ve just come back from a week-long escape to Cuba. I decided that I would do this two weeks ago, and organized it all the Monday before my departure.

The trip was a success. I read an entire book – the Pulitzer-winning The Forever War by Dexter Filkins – and got a head start on The Fate of Africa by Martin Meredith. I wrote, start-to-finish, the draft for my second book. Every day, I went to bed early, woke up late, ate well, swam, read and wrote. There was no computer screen, no work emergency to concern myself with. It was absolutely fantastic.

I have never had vacation time before that wasn’t a rush to complete objectives – either by juggling family around Christmas or speed-running through cities on travels abroad. To just have all the time in the world was such a wonderful feeling.

Jay couldn’t come this time round due to school constraints, but we’ve resolved that we’ll go off together once he graduates. I very much look forward to that.


5 responses to “Cuba”

  1. Jeremy Avatar


    *So jealous BTW*

    Welcome back 🙂

  2. Julien McArdle Avatar
    Julien McArdle

    Thanks Jeremy!

    Now I know where the appreciation for Mojitos comes from. You guys were right – anything beyond four or five days starts to feel long (I was there for seven.) By the same token though, it ensured that I felt like I got everything there was to get from that escape.

    I’m heading back to work tomorrow, and I’m not feeling like I need a “vacation from the vacation.”

    Were was it you guys had gone?

  3. J.T. Alfons (Author, Surrogate Stars) Avatar
    J.T. Alfons (Author, Surrogate Stars)

    Well done! Pictures look great.

  4. Jeremy Avatar

    Mmmmm…mojitos. I so wish my life could be melded with an all-inclusive vacation.

    And we went to Mexico – the Mayan Riviera specifically. I think Cuba is next though.

  5. […] wrote the draft for my second book while in Cuba, and have over the last week been digitizing […]