10 Pounds…

On my September 9th blog entry, I mentioned that I had lost 10 pounds since August 3rd. Well today marks the day that I lost another ten pounds. Yep – twenty pounds since August. My goal is to lose another 10.

At this point, I’d like to thank some very important people:

  • Jason Scott, for telling me what I needed to hear. “It’s as if you just kept eating and eating!”
  • Jeremy and Tina, for showing me that it could be done and how to do it right.
  • Jon Pellow, for being supportive every step of the way.


4 responses to “10 Pounds…”

  1. Well hey now!

    As someone who has (non-creepily) seen a lot of young people grow up, I know there’s usually a big change in habits and metabolism as you switch lifestyles from student to person involved in other endeavors. And it can go in many ways. Usually it means a few extra pounds. Glad to see you decided to get on top of it and keep healthy!

  2. JT Alfons (Author, Surrogate Stars) Avatar
    JT Alfons (Author, Surrogate Stars)

    The only thing better than losing 20 pounds is how we’re going to celebrate: in Rochester NY next Saturday!

    I was thinking you could tell everyone that you asked Jesus to help you drop the pounds, and then you suddenly found yourself losing weight no matter what or how much you ate. As a writer, I’m doing an article on this apparent miracle.

  3. I must admit that I am quite touched! I’m also really glad that Tina and I could be of some assistance!

    Speaking of which, we’re moving out to the west end (Merivale and Meadowlands) in December and will have you over as soon as we get set up for some good ‘ol fashioned healthy home cooking!

  4. Awesome, Julian! Totally awesome! Congratulations! Can’t wait to have you over to the new place 🙂