Shift in Interest: From Network Security to LGBT Issues

Someone told me recently that I appeared to have shifted my interest away from network security, and asked me if that was in fact the case. I told him that it was. The Botnet movie (still in development!) will be my last foray into the matter in the foreseeable future.

The fact is that people’s interests change over time, and I am no exception. Going out of high school and into university, I was all gung ho about network security. I wrote articles, including one for 2600 Magazine. I attended meetings that talked about it on a regular basis. But in the last two years, my interest really started to wane.

Now, I’m interested in LGBT issues. From a legal standpoint, Canada is at a great point in history. There is equality. True equality. This is something that only a few other nations in the world can claim. From a cultural perspective, work remains to be done.

I went to a friend’s birthday party on Saturday night, and the use of “fags” in a derogatory sense was often repeated. Among some highlights: “I don’t mind if a person is gay, just act like a man.”

I got tired of this, so Jay and I kissed each other – our default reaction to hearing stupid remarks. Comments were made comparing the kiss to a “trainwreck” that one couldn’t look away from. Something that wouldn’t be said of a hetero couple.

I don’t know what I’ll do in this field, but this is where my interest is, for now. And who knows, maybe I’ll move on to something else in a few years.