Halfway Through Second Semester

Reading Week is about to start.

This semester has been a bit of a mixed bag. I ended up dropping my calculus class, putting me at four classes this semester. I did this because I calculated my ass-in-seat-time™ to be at around 45 hours. That was the time I spent at school in lectures and labs, as well as at work. It did not include the time required to do the four assignments per week I had. It was too much.

This was a great move. While I’m still ultra-busy, I no longer have stretches where I’d sleep for 3 hours a night, three nights in a row. As my calculus class is a prerequesite for most courses next semester, I’ll take it over the summer.

Apart from that, things have been good. I’ve been getting more involved in campus life. My family welcomed a new member, and I was made privy to some absolutely great news happening to close friends. I was able to be creative, and push out a small project. Things are really on a high.

I’ll be spending Reading Week at work, but it does mean I’ll have this weekend to myself! With Family Day, that’s three days of freedom (usually I did work-work on Saturdays, homework on Sundays.) I celebrated the start of this break by baking some caramel apple scones.


4 responses to “Halfway Through Second Semester”

  1. You should open a coffee shop called Brewlien’s.

    1. Julien McArdle Avatar
      Julien McArdle

      Baha. If it didn’t compromise my enjoyment of baking, I would seriously ponder it.

      I’ll keep the name though. That’s an awesome name.

  2. […] with this three day marathon of bliss was Venus Envy‘s twelfth anniversary sale. Everything in store was 20% off. And they […]

  3. Yay Julien! You can do it!!!