• I saw a girl on Friday that I really liked. lol, were you ever to look up the definition of “numpty” it would read “NXSeal on Friday, the 23rd of January 2004”. lol, seriously I felt blearh about myself afterwards, and what I…

  • I received some great news today. They revised the chemistry marks for last term, and I have now officially… PASSED!!!! HOLY FOOKING YAY! On another note, I reworked that script I talked about in my last blog entry. Since the script…

  • Wohoo! Well, I have made another “background” script. Basically, when anyone ever accesses a certain targetted domain, they will first encounter a page with 4 lines of code. Basically, it will check to see if the better and yet unreliable secondary server for…

  • It would seem that Win2k, the current OS responsible for this content being delivered to you faithful readers is having a minor glitch which causes everything to be double spaced. This isn’t new, I remember having the same problem a few…

  • Bad News: I failed 2 classes in my first semester. I failed both Chemistry and Calculus. To rectify the situation, I have chosen to forego my current Advanced Vector/Geometry class for that of my unpassed mathematics, and take chemistry once more next…

  • Wow, I did a new sig from NX whilst being inspired from listening some LOTR music. Although not under The Influence, I sure felt as hell that I was, esp. considering I ended up making something with the message “peace.seal” and a heavily…

  • First day back at uni. This upcomming semester will be easier for me, since I shall be undertaking 4 courses instead of the previous semester’s 6. Furthermore, I should be done earlier in the day, and start on average later as well. Of…

  • Xmas went well, but I’ve been getting these mails from Rogers indicating that my bandwidth has nearly used up. WTF! There’s enough of it to allow at least 2000 visitors, implying that they load the webcam image 10 times [ie. they…

  • 1:19AM: Studying for chem exam. Will do so until chem exam. In 8 hours.

  • Well, I haven’t abandoned this site, but I’ve been kept busy with exams. And PC Games. KOTOR is a fine game, but CS:CZ is quite the opposite. Probably one of the worst games I have ever [theoretically since it isn’t released yet]…