Category: Trans Rights

  • How bogus science was used to ban trans women

    How bogus science was used to ban trans women

    Preface I debated whether to write this article at all. For the last ten years I’ve been countering the excuses that have been made to exclude gender and sexual minorities from participation in society. From the ban on Gay/Straight Alliances in Catholic schools (excuse: contravenes Catholic teachings and values), to the successful efforts to kill…

  • Cancel Culture

    Cancel Culture

    Our world is changing in wonderful ways: people are living longer, parents are spending more time with their children, stigma around mental health is declining, and differing life experiences are increasingly becoming part of our everyday. This last point has been alarming to some. The increasing visibility of life experiences they don’t relate to conflicts…

  • The media needs to contextualize prejudice

    The media needs to contextualize prejudice

    A few days ago, tire tracks etched on the rainbow sidewalk in Prescott made the news. The mayor of the community said that it was “impossible to interpret the action this evening as anything but a statement of hatred toward the LGBTQ community.” Seems like a bit of an overreaction right, for something that visibly…

  • We Make Better Monsters

    We Make Better Monsters

    I’ve been musing about writing a short horror story grounded in reality. So often the horror genre makes the object of fear a disfigured man, a man with mental illness, a trans woman, someone living in poverty, someone with an accent, a black or brown person. It echoes the ableism, classism, white supremacy, and exceptionalism…

  • Making Peace with Queer Anger

    Making Peace with Queer Anger

    I’m turning 35 in a few months. One of the nicest things about getting older is seeing queer people in my life shaping their life to their desires. Renting a place and making it cute with plants and art from pals. Camping in the woods or going on hikes. Celebrating milestones with partners and friends.…

  • Christie Blatchford and Freedom of Speech

    Christie Blatchford and Freedom of Speech

    National Post writer Christie Blatchford passed away last month, resulting in a flurry of articles praising her career in Canadian mainstream media. The experience of reading Blatchford’s articles was very different as a trans person. She regularly used her platform to advocate for a world free of those perceived to be gender non-conforming. In her…

  • Transphobes in Canada are Connected

    Transphobes in Canada are Connected

    I mapped out some of the ways that high-profile anti-trans advocates in Canada are related. The chart is a mess because these transphobes are highly interconnected: While there are hundreds of thousands of trans or gender non-conforming people in Canada, it only takes a handful of cisgender individuals to harass people at Pride parades, fill…

  • Transphobia in the National Post

    Transphobia in the National Post

    The National Post publishes articles with titles such as “How trans activists are unethically influencing autistic children to change genders“, “Pronouns are ruining the best thing about hockey” and “Are zee ready for the dictatorship of the gender warriors?” The newspaper has published at least 131 opinion pieces that normalize the rejection of trans and…

  • The Canadian media’s targeted harassment of queer and trans individuals

    The Canadian media’s targeted harassment of queer and trans individuals

    Jessica Yaniv was refused service at over a dozen beauty salons in B.C. because she is trans: [Yaniv] says many of the estheticians advertised themselves as offering arm, leg, and pubic hair waxing for either male or female customers. However, when Yaniv informed them she was transgender she says she was suddenly refused appointments outright,…

  • Nationalist groups and the intimidation of gender and sexual minorities in Canada

    Nationalist groups and the intimidation of gender and sexual minorities in Canada

    This article has been updated to include events of the summer. Since the late nineties, organized antagonists of gender and sexual minorities were largely Christians or affiliated with major conservative political parties. The dynamics have changed. In the past few years, there’s been a rise of nationalist groups across Canada and they have been inserting…